Stop calling me gay because I’m a virgin, Adokiye begs

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Couple of years back when artist cum Nollywood on-screen character, Adokiye Kyrian admitted to Potpourri that she was still a virgin at 23, the stimulation world respected the news with a blend of stun and mistrust. To a few, it was just a muffle to pick up consideration and most likely win a few hearts. Two years after, the hot diva says she's still as great down underneath as the main day she resulted in these present circumstances earth. Whether being a virgin is a thing of pride or not in this quick and incensed universe of fast settle, it appears Adokiye is not having a significant ball the same number of have been granulating her and making inquiries about her sexuality. As per her, she gets hits on regular routine, with some advising her she ought to confess all on her sexuality and tell the world she's gay instead of guaranteeing she's a virgin. For the Grace crooner, who has recently discharged a collabo with Oritefemi titled Jombolo, the hits are starting to leave an imprint onher pride and her individual and in this manner has chosen to leave a line for the haters " many people are labeling me gay," she let me know in a Blackberry visit. " I don't censure them. It is difficult to locate an excellent young lady who's still a virgin, particularly in this intense period. Actually, I adore men, I love them, I esteem them and got such a great amount of admiration for them however my issue is, I haven't found that some individual yet, to give my body and heart to. It doesn't mean I am a lesbian or gay or what not." Recall that the artist once said she will give her heart to the primary man that can purchase her mum a private plane she guaranteed her, yet now she appears to have diminished the cost as she has said the sort of man she needs should be " a mindful man, somebody that would regard me and be God-dreading."


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